
Monday, May 3, 2010

Semester Break (20th Feb-29th Feb 2010)

Peek A Boo's semester break and by right I should be happy. But not so happy as the school continues. Still a long way for the school holidays. The last discussion was on qualitative and quantitative. Hmmmmmmm...Question Mark..... need to figure out deeply what is meant by that..
Since my topic is on ICT teaching tool and the effect on the slow learners I must ensure that my topic is in which category. Is it qualitative or quantitative? Or can be both...Ummm

So..this holidays I hope I can get more info. Surf the net for more articles and references.

Happy holidays to me eventhough not so happy as I still have to go to work..hehheheheh...

1. Moving towards Technology Education: Factors That Facilitated Teachers’ Implementation of a Technology Curriculum byRoy Barnes Australia


3. Comparing Traditional and ICT-Enriched University Teaching Methods: Evidence from Two Empirical Studies by FRANCESC PEDRO´

Good Luckto me...happy reading the TB and the articles... hopefully they generate ideas for me to continue my journey. Happy semester break everyone.School's Out


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