This time I surfed for materials relating to ICT teaching methods. Found a few and was hoping these articles helful in my findings.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Enough for now I guess, need to read them.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Articles oooo articles...(24/1-31/1/2010)

Finally..after a long thought..I decided to study on slow learners in primary school. Maybe because I meet them everyday in school and I guess this is a good start. So I started surfing for materials. The first material is about slow learners and another coming. Found a few articles about this slow learners. So happy but not yet reading them.
Diagnosis and management of slow learning for teachers.
I have gone through this articles and I found it really reliable for me to get to know the main characteristics of the slow learners and how to work with them.
Slow learners: How are they identified and supported?
Struggling (slow) learners
slow learners
supporting slow learners
I have come across to expand my study on the ICT teaching methods to the slow learners. I have found one articles which I think it's a good start for me.
ED702 2nd meeting-23rd January 2010
We went to the computer lab before we go off. Here, Dr. Noraziah showed us how to used the search engines to surf for articles and journals. A new approach for as before this I only use Google to look for something. We were taught to use I-Learn portal for our group discussion and posting our findings relating to our research.
As it was in the afternoon, I can't really concentrate on surfing, then I just go through the website and play with the search engines to get the ideas before I surf at home for the articles. Still I need to have my topic or ideas on what to to research.
Class dismissed and a I had another journey home.
As it was in the afternoon, I can't really concentrate on surfing, then I just go through the website and play with the search engines to get the ideas before I surf at home for the articles. Still I need to have my topic or ideas on what to to research.
Class dismissed and a I had another journey home.
ED702 1st meeting-9th January 2010
Day 2 as a master student (ED701 was the first class on Friday). Drove all the way from KT a day before. It's been a long time since my degree years to come back as a student. Meeting new friends.
Started our first lesson and it's quite interesting to me. Dr. Noraziah, the lecturer is so pleased to have us all in the classroom. Thanx Dr..anyway. She mentioned us to come out with research portfolio, and here it is my e-portfolio.(thanx to Suhaniz for her brilliant idea). Dr. also wanted us to tweet her. (this is new for me..Twitter). Never come across to sign up for twitter before and now I am the follower and following (still don't understand Twitter actually).
Class was wrapped up earlier and I really had fun to be in the class. A long way to go after that..another journey home.
Started our first lesson and it's quite interesting to me. Dr. Noraziah, the lecturer is so pleased to have us all in the classroom. Thanx Dr..anyway. She mentioned us to come out with research portfolio, and here it is my e-portfolio.(thanx to Suhaniz for her brilliant idea). Dr. also wanted us to tweet her. (this is new for me..Twitter). Never come across to sign up for twitter before and now I am the follower and following (still don't understand Twitter actually).
Class was wrapped up earlier and I really had fun to be in the class. A long way to go after that..another journey home.
Finally..I am back to INTEC, the school where I used to be back in 2000-2002 during my degree years. At that time I was an Accounting student. That small library where we used to share with Education student is still here, but the Accountancy school I guess is no longer there.(Well..I am walking down the memory lane..)Things are different now. Now, I am a student again but then this time in the different field. Education. Guess, this is new chapter for me. Another step ahead. Yes..another step ahead for me. Gambatte kudasai, Hafiza!!!!